Dear Students, Dear Tao Seekers, Dear Mantak Chia Fans......
here you can find the present valid UHT documents for all 5 Healing Arts / Branches ....and our UHT Tao Passport to record your training prgress (print out version).
Questions ? Please contact your national UHT Country Coordinator or Tao Garden Team or use with pleasure in 'Help' our 'Contact Form'. No login data ? please use the Contact Form. Forgot your password ? Please have a look to our (D) Members Operation Manual of the Global Instructor Directory
With respect to Grandmaster Mantak Chia
The Mantak Chia Canon
The Mantak Chia Canon was created to present Grandmaster Mantak Chia's extensive UNIVERSAL HEALING TAO® (UHT) teaching system in a clearer and therefore easier to understand way. The five teaching lines (branches or healing arts) each contain an energetic, spiritual and thematic orientation. Orientation in the UHT system is often associated with questions, even for long-time practitioners of the UHT system. The Mantak Chia Canon is intended to offer everyone energetic and thematic help. Based on the 5 element teachings of Classical Chinese Medicine, each teaching line has been assigned one of the five elements. The qualities and attributes of the five elements and the creation or nourishment cycle have determined the order and colour code of the teaching content.
Global Evaluation FEEs with UHT Senior Instructors
=> UHT digital Certificate signed by Grand-Master Chia - fee is 25 $US / 25 € payed viaPayPal
=> Certification Fees in continents with economically different conditions, The lower price is for short evaluations (30-45 minutes), the higher price for longer evaluations (90-120 minutes) USA 80-150 $ Fee for certification process 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Europe 80-150 € Fee for certification process 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Asia & Ocenia 60-100 $ Fee for certification process 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Afrika 50-80 $ Fee for certification process 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 South America 40-70 $ Fee for certification process 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 East Europe 40-70 € Fee for certification process 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Please enter your workshop, training and practice hours in this UHT Tao Passport. Your UHT instructor will confirm your training or workshop hours in this passport. Your training history will be required to eventually become a Universal HEALING TAO Instructor or further evaluation levels.
We respectfully ask you to adhere to the formal rules that apply to valid certificates in the UNIVERSAL HEALING TAO® System of Grand-Master Mantak Chia. All valid UHT Certificates must meet these four conditions. Chaired by Grand-Master Chia, decided by the UHT Council of 9 2018
(G) General Agreement for all UHT evaluations of Instructors and Practitioners. This Agreement must be acknowledged by signature for all UHT certifications.
In order to be certified as a UHT Instructor, each student must disclose their identity and release their full name and a valid e-mail address or mailing address. However, publication of personal data in the International Database is voluntary.
This Data Protection Statement gives a helping hand to students, trainees and educating Seniors and Instructors, how to take care of personal data before, during and after the successful certification.
(01) Inner Alchemy Basics and Qigong Education Path 10-2024 English and French for all levels of UHT Inner Achemy Qigong Instructors French Translation Olivier Barré
(03) 032 This UHT Chi Nei Tsang Curriculum contains the training conditions the framework of the lesson, the prerequisites, requirements and shows the education path to certification within the UHT Chi Nei Tsang Branch UHT Global Branch Leader Chi Nei Tsang Jutta Kellenberger and CNT committee 2020
(03) This UHT Chi Nei Tsang Education Path 2024 en contains the training conditions the framework of the lesson, the prerequisites, requirements and shows the education path to certification within the UHT Chi Nei Tsang Branch
Requirements for certification for UHT Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner I+II+III+IV+V+VI, UHT Chi Nei Tsang Teacher I+II+III+IV+V+VI and UHT Chi Nei Tsang Senior Teacher I+II+III+IV+V+VI.
We offer also a more detailled UHT Chi Nei Tsang Curruculumin the download section.
UHT Global Branch Leader Chi Nei Tsang Jutta Kellenberger and CNT committee and the Concil of Nine Committee updated 10-2024
(05) Inner Alchemy Immortality Education Path 2023 en
Requirements for certification for UHT FUSION I+II+III, UHT Lesser Kan & Li, UHT Greater Kan & Li, UHT Greatest Kan & Li and UHT Sealing of the Five Sensess
The regulations for UHT Inner Alchemy Immortality Senior Instructor are in the process.
UHT (01) 030 Case Study Form for upgrading to Certified Instructor 2021
For upgrading as Associate Instructor to an UHT Certified Instructor you need to show your teaching practice with 9 'UHT Inner Alchemy Certified Instructor Case Study Forms'
and 120 hrs of UHT Basic courses.
In addition, the UHT General Agreement, which must be signed by all certified UHT Instructors and UHT Practitioners
(03) 033 The "UHT Chi Nei Tsang 1 Case Study Form" in (English & French) is the current state of the examination process for Chi Nei Tsang 1 Practitioner (CNTP1) and the UHT Chi Nei Tsang 1 Teacher (CNTT1). The evaluation is done by any UHT Chi Nei Tsang 1 Senior Teacher. For further education requirements please have a look at your profile: the Chi Nei Tsang Curiculum or Education Path (, which contains the training conditions within the UHT Chi Nei Tsang Healing Art (Branch)
UHT Global Branch Leader CHi Nei Tsang Jutta Kellenberger 2024
(French Translation by UHT Chi Nei Tsang 1 Senior Teacher Veetao Hogan 2019)
In addition, the UHT General Agreement, which must be signed by all certified UHT Instructors and UHT Practitioners
UHT Cosmic Healing 1 Case Study Form (English & German)
(04) 038 The "Cosmic Healing I Case Study Form english and german 2023" is the current state of the examination process for
UHT Cosmic Healing I Practitioner (CHP1) and UHT Cosmic Healing I Teacher (CHT1)
The evaluation is done by a UHT Cosmic Healing Senior Teacher. For further education requirements please have a look at the Cosmic Healing Education Path (My Downloads
which contains the training conditions within the UHT Cosmic Healing Branch
In addition, the UHT General Agreement, which must be signed by all certified UHT Instructors and UHT Practitioners.
UHT Global Branch Leader Cosmic Healing Wolfgang Heuhsen 2023
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